Location: Plot 1, St Pancras Hospital, 4 St Pancras Way, London, NW1 APE
Demolition of one and two storey hospital buildings (Ash House, Bloomsbury Day Hospital, Camley Building, Jules Thorn Day Hospital, Kitchen and the Post Room and Mortuary) and erection of a part seven, part ten storey purpose built healthcare, medical research and educational facility for Moorfields Eye Hospital, the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Charity.
New building to comprising a mixture of the following uses: clinical, research and education purposes, including accident and emergency (A&E) department, outpatients, research areas, operating theatres, education space, café and retail areas, facilities management, office space and plant space.
You can find more information on the
applicant's consultation website.Below are four images that have been provided by the developer. These include computer generated images (CGIs) that include details which are currently under discussion between the council and the developer, and may change as a result of this consultation and discussion.
1. The Site location plan (the red line on the map below indicates the site).
2. A proposed site plan (from the developer)
3. A computer generated image of the proposed new Oriel building
4. A computer generated image of the proposed internal courtyard of the new Oriel building.