1 Museum Street, 10-12 Museum Street, 35-41 New Oxford Street and 16A-18 West Central Street, London WC1A (also known as Selkirk House)
Redevelopment of the existing NCP car park and Travelodge Hotel at 1 Museum Street with a 21 storey office-led mixed-use scheme, with town centre uses at ground floor level.
Remodelling and extension of 10-12 Museum Street, 35-41 New Oxford Street and 16A-18 West Central Street to provide further active ground floor uses and residential floorspace, including affordable housing provision.
Provision of new public realm including a new pedestrian route through the site to link West Central Street with High Holborn.
You can find more information on the applicant's consultation website.
The Site location plan (the red line on the map below indicates the site).
Below are images that have been provided by the developer. Slide or drag the arrow to show the before and after images. They include computer generated images (CGIs) that include details which are currently under discussion between the council and the developer, and may change as a result of this consultation and discussion.
View from British Museum (below)View from High Holborn / Endell Street (below)
View from Bloomsbury Way (below)
View from Coptic Street (below)